Choose Your Sport Campaign
A transmedia campaign which promotes sport to encourage people to become fit and active and improve their mental health.
Josh Dance
Transmedia Project DM7919
Table of Contents
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Choose Your Sport is a transmedia campaign using a variety of digital media to encourage people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds to play a sport for reasons such as fitness and mental health or just for fun.
The campaign will shine a light on unknown sports, while encouraging people to get active and take part in free community fitness events such as “Parkrun”.
The campaign will use videos which I have filmed and produced myself.
Objectives of the Choose Your Sport Campaign
Based on the research, I will be running a series of campaigns on multiple social media platforms to target people of different age groups. The transmedia strategy is to is to create a series of films and infographics to be used on different platforms such as TikTok for the younger generation and Facebook for the older generation.
Aims of the campaign
To spread awareness of unknown sports
To encourage people to get more active.
To show how exercise and sport can improve mental health.
Campaign outputs
The campaign will consist of:
A website dedicated to the campaign.
A social media campaign including Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, each targeting different audiences.
The social media campaign will consist of infographics, short films and motion graphic videos.
Backstory and Context
I am passionate about sport and believe it should play a part in everyone’s life. I played football in a team throughout my school years. I also go to the gym regularly and understand how being active in sport really helps improve mental health. At university, I discovered the sport of Futsal and became captain of my team. I decided to base my motion graphics project on creating a video to promote Futsal. This then linked to my ‘Choose Your Sport’ transmedia campaign with the Futsal motion graphics video used in this project too.
I had also previously filmed some adverts to promote sport for my undergraduate film degree. These adverts fitted in well with the campaign and enabled me to use my own creative film work.
Studies on sport and mental health have found a positive link, and I wish to promote how sport can really help improve your mood and well-being.
A study found a lifetime of sport participation beginning in youth and adolescence improved physical and psychological well-being of individuals as they enter young adulthood. (Collins, 2017)
Additionally, there are many studies showing the link between sport and positive mood. “People who exercise regularly benefit with a positive boost in mood and lower rates of depression” (Bruce, 2022)
Sport is also a fun way to stay healthy and fit.
Transmedia is using multiple different digital and/or non digital media platforms to tell a single story or promote a singular campaign.
“Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes its own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story” (Jenkins,2007)
Transmedia Storytelling can be described as a design philosophy where you embark the users on an emotional trip from a point to a point (Pratten,2015)
How is Transmedia used in Sport?
Fifty years ago, sports journalism was almost entirely just newspapers, where fans would read about the game results. Since then, sports journalism has transformed how sports fans consume content.
ThinkSport (2017)
A team can only play one game at a time, but through television, the Internet and social media, the story of any game is told in multiple different forms. Through a combination of feature stories spotlighting the game’s key players, game highlights, and expert video analysis, a single media outlet can cover a sports event in many different ways. (BailyDeeter_spee26_dc, 2020)
A Premier league football fan can choose to watch the game on TV or stream it on a laptop, listen to a radio broadcast, watch highlights on Match of the Day or YouTube or TikTok. They can read about the game through live tweets from fans or the official teams Twitter page or websites such as BBC news sports or the sports section in the newspaper.
Project Planning
I created a Gantt chart in Excel at the start of the project to enable me to plan out high-level tasks that I needed to complete each week. I ensured that I left plenty of time in the last few weeks to work on the report and for contingency.
I used Trello for a detailed list of things to do. The visual nature of Trello and that it was easy and quick to use, made it ideal for me to track the lower-level tasks I need to complete each week.
Parkrun is a free community event, run by volunteers where participants run 5K in a local park. The event encourages people to stay fit and active, with participants of all ages and fitness.
Parkrun Stories
To understand the Parkrun audience, I found some good news parkrun stories.
Parkrun’s Transmedia Output
Parkrun have a well-designed website that advertises that the event is “Free for everyone forever”. Below the banner heading, the site displays the essential information for the reader.
Parkrun has a Facebook page with 158 thousand followers. The account posts inspirational stories such a 94-year-old man completing his 400th Parkrun, a motion graphics video depicting their 5-year plan, and infographics such as “5 ways to rediscover your Parkrun mojo”.
Parkrun also has Facebook pages run by volunteers for local Parkruns, where runners can sign up to volunteer and post photos from the run. Parkrun is active on Twitter and Instagram, where they post similar content. However, they aren’t active on YouTube and TikTok which could show a failure to market the event to the younger generation.
Parkrun is a registered charity. The majority of income is from sponsorship and grants with some commercial income from a successful online shop, partnerships, and social media advertisements.
Milestone t shirts for Parkrun, Parkrun (2020)
T shirts are presented to runners completing 50,100, 250 or 500 Parkruns, providing encouragement and reward.
Nike Play New
Nike Play New is a campaign launched in 2021 by Nike that encourages people to try a new sport even if they are no good at sport. The 30 second advert shows some famous sports stars trying an unfamiliar sport and failing. It ends with the message “Here is to going for it, even if you are terrible”. Nike believes sport can inspire, create community and provide a platform for positive change.
Nike Play New Transmedia Output
Apart from the one-minute campaign video and an article on their website detailing the campaign, there is no other transmedia output as yet for this campaign. However, Nike plans to engage people through Snapchat and TikTok.
On Snapchat, Nike will introduce Play New-themed full-body Augmented Reality Lenses to encourage people to enter a virtual world and try something new, such as surfing or boxing.
On TikTok, Nike will create a series of episodic journeys that follow TikTok creators as they try something new in sport.
Nike additionally, released another campaign in 2023 called “How We Do” which focuses on promoting women trying new sports and erasing stereotypes. The advert features influencer Nella Rose, talking about sport, and trying boxing. Nella Rose was chosen for this advert so that Nike could reach her followers.
Couch to 5K
The Couch to 5K training plan is a training program to get new runners up and running. The program helps you to work up towards running 5 km in just nine weeks. It was developed by American Josh Clarke in the 1990s, initially to help his mum to take up running. It is estimated that tens of millions of people have benefited from this popular program and the NHS recommends it.
Couch to 5K Transmedia Output
There is Couch to 5K app, a podcast with weekly lessons, and a 30 second advert promoting the app by the NHS. Couch to 5K promotion also appears on the NHS website. In terms of social media, there is a lack of advertisement or official pages promoting it.
PE with Joe
Joe Wicks is a fitness coach and social media personality, known for his fitness books, YouTube channel and his app “The Body Coach”. During the Covid-19 lockdown, Joe launched PE with Joe, in response to the closing of schools. A YouTube work out video was released daily, encouraging kids to stay fit at home.
PE with Joe Transmedia Output
“PE with Joe” is promoted on Joe Wicks website, YouTube channel and Instagram account with a combined 3 million followers.
Research Conclusions
From my research into these sports campaigns, I have found that not all social media channels are covered and therefore some sections of the community are missed. The most successful and expensive campaigns use influencers and advanced technology such as AR to present their campaign to their targeted audience. If I direct my campaign to specific media channels, I believe I can advertise to multiple audiences.
Campaign Audience Analysis
Research into the target audience for the Choose Your Sport is based on a number of factors.
I selected 2 target audiences from different age groups who could be encouraged to engage more in sport.
The typical characteristics of the target audiences are:
I then identified two User Personas for my target audience.
I then conducted interviews with these people.
Interview Conclusions
Conducting these interviews tells me that young people aren’t necessarily active in sport or physically fit and need more encouragement to find the benefits of sport. The older generation are more likely to have played sport when young and have now given up. Age should not be a barrier to sport, but young people need motivating too.
Choose Your Sport could promote sport through motivational speakers like David Goggins, who are incredibly successful in promoting fitness.
Branding and Design for the Choose Your Sport Campaign
I chose the name “Choose Your Sport” as the campaign name over names such as “Sport for Mental Health” because, in just three words, it summarises what the campaign is about; to find enjoyment from sport, and help people find the right sport.
Logo design
I first looked at other logos for sports campaigns to get a few ideas. Most of these logos have only two colours and use the full campaign name rather than an abbreviation.
I looked at some suggested designs in the logo making applications such as Canva. I liked the logos below which I customised. However, I decided not to use them as they showed ball games only, not all sports, and it wasn’t my own work.
To plan the logo I made a few sketches of how it could look.
I used Apple Freeform to create the logo as it was easy to use and provided sporting symbols. I liked the idea of placing the logo on a tennis ball, and then using other sporting symbols to represent a variety of sports. I created a few designs, and then modified them into my final design, after consulting with my Futsal team.
This is the final design as it demonstrated a variety of sports and had a balanced look.
I chose seafoam, a pale green for the background as it is calming and green represents new beginnings and growth. The figures and text are in black to stand out clearly, and a plain easy to read font was used.
Green is often used by businesses to project health, or to represent something natural. Any organization with outdoors connections often has the colour green in their logos.
Colour Palette for the logo
If a professional logo designer were to create a logo for this campaign, my instructions would be to create a design to show movement and sport with more colours woven around the campaign name, such as in the symbols below.
A tagline is a short memorable description which communicates the brand’s message. A good tagline is:
customer orientated.
The taglines I have created for this campaign are ‘Discover your sport’ and ‘Choose you, choose sport’.
These short phrases conjure up the message of the campaign which is to encourage people to become more active through playing sport, discovering a new sport or rediscovering an old sport. Using the word ‘discover’ adds some excitement to the phrase. The message is also personalized by the word ‘your’ which makes it more emotive.
“Choose you, choose sport” summarizes how you should choose to look after yourself by playing sport to benefit your mental and physical health.
Behaviour Change
The thinking behind the ‘Choose Your Sport’ campaign is to influence people’s behaviour to start exercising more.
There are 6 ways to change influence behaviour in social media. (W.Allen 2016)
“People assign more value to opportunities when they are seen as scarce”. Encourage people to stay fit so that they can get the most out of life.
The audience will see that ‘Choose your Sport’ is a campaign for public good with good intentions. It is about encouraging fitness for their own wellbeing and are therefore more likely to trust the campaign.
How to Run a Social Media Campaign
I will be running the Choose Your Sport campaign on four of the most popular social networks, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Facebook, using strategies from my research.
Most popular social networks worldwide as of January 2023, ranked by numbers of active monthly users (in millions)
A simple User Journey through the campaign would be:
Choose Your Sport Campaign
Instagram Campaign
Instagram is a photo and video sharing social networking service owned by American company Meta Platforms.Instagram started the so-called influencer, where social media personalities are able to reach millions of followers to promote products.
Instagram is most popular with the millennials and Gen Z generations. Therefore, Instagram could be used in my transmedia campaign to target these age groups.
Instagram Audience
The Instagram reaches almost a third of all internet users and there are almost 1.5 billion users worldwide. The gender balance on Instagram is fairly evenly split which is unique amongst social media platforms. All of this makes Instagram a good choice for the campaign.
Choose Your Sport on Instagram
Instagram has become famous for social media activism, using infographics to share information during causes such as Black Lives Matter. Therefore, I created infographics using Canva to promote sport and share information about the link with mental health.
To create engagement, I used hashtags such as ‘Mental health and sports’, so that these posts would appear in the feed of users following these topics or from explore page interactions.
The link to the Instagram campaign is
User engagement on Instagram
I created Polls to engage with Instagram users, asking about sporting habits.
This encourages users to actively engage with the campaign. One Instagram user replied that their favourite sport was rounders, showing that the polls were successful in engaging the audience. I created posts with infographics for unknown sports such ultimate frisbee and racquetball. I also highlighted inclusivity in sports with posts on the first Trans football team and blind football. In addition, I promoted free physical activities such as Parkrun and showed videos on the effects of exercise on the brain.
The Instagram campaign was the most successful for reaching an audience, gaining 42 followers and many interactions about mental health.
TikTok Campaign
TikTok was launched in 2016. It is a social media platform for sharing short-form videos and became famous for its TikTok dance trend. The app has expanded from short 1–3-minute videos to 10 minute videos and hosts all kinds of video content and popular trends.
According to Shepherd (2023), the average user opens TikTok 19 times a day, and kids spend on average 75 minutes per day on TikTok. Here’s how it breaks down by age group.
The app is most popular with Gen Z, but also still very popular with millennials.
Choose Your Sport on TikTok
Initially, I created TikTok’s highlighting inclusivity in sports to show that sport is for everyone, no matter your age, race, gender sexuality or ability.
The link to the TikTok campaign is
I then posted the three Choose Your Sport adverts I had filmed and created myself.
The first advert “Find your sport” shows the protagonist playing multiple sports in the park. This advert promotes the idea of finding the right sport to suit a person.
The second advert “Running for mental health” encourages the sport of running to help with mental health. In the advert, the protagonist goes for a run until he gets out of breath. He then runs the same route again and again, each time running a little bit further than before.
The third advert “Try sports” encourages the audience to try lots of different sports. The protagonist is shown playing football, basketball, tennis, baseball, American football and rugby.
These adverts were incredibly successful on TikTok, receiving lots of views and comments.
The comment section from the “Running for mental health” advert is an example of how this transmedia campaign has brought a community of people together to encourage each other to get active.
TikTok Videos
To promote the campaign TikTok’s, I also followed some TikTok trends. One popular trend is the use of gameplay clips under podcast videos or random “satisfying” videos under clips of TV shows. This is done to keep the viewer entertained and keep their attention span on the video.
I used Premier Pro to convert a YouTube Ted Talk video about exercise and mental health into a TikTok by individually changing each shot from portrait to landscape to fit the TikTok format. I then added my own take on the gameplay clips trend by adding sporting moments under the Ted Talk to keep the audience’s attention.
Parkrun TikTok
I created a TikTok to promote Parkrun and to attract Parkrun runners to my campaign. I used Parkrun clips from YouTube, editing together a narrative from different videos using Premier Pro, and changing the footage from landscape to TikTok portrait. The narrative starts with arriving at Parkrun and finishes at the end of the run. I wrote a script for the TikTok.
Using the TikTok app, I edited the script over the video in TikTok style, using the text bubble colour orange as this is the Parkrun brand colour. I then placed a popular TikTok song over the video and added hashtags to increase viewings.
The TikTok campaign was also successful with plenty of interaction, and reached the target audience.
YouTube Campaign
YouTube is a video sharing site and the second most popular social media network.
According to the Omnicore agency, 37% of Millennials aged 18 – 34 are binge-watching YouTube daily. To be successful on YouTube, a lot of high-quality content is required.
Although I uploaded the three ‘Choose Your Sport’ adverts and the motion graphics futsal film to the site, this was not enough content to drive the site and create an audience. I found it easier to reach the audience of 18-34 year olds on Instagram and TikTok.
Facebook Campaign
Facebook started in 2004 with the idea of bringing the college experience online and was the first globally successful social media site. Facebook is still currently the world’s most popular social media site and 66% of the UK are Facebook users.
With Generation Z opting for social media such as TikTok and Instagram, users aged 65 years and older are the platform's fastest-growing demographics.
Facebook reaches over a third of all internet users and there are almost 2 billion users worldwide. There are more male than female user globally because men are more likely to have internet access.
A recent study found that 85% of videos on Facebook are watched without sound so it is vital to focus on the visuals at the start of the video to grab audience attention and to use subtitles. The Facebook average watch time is 10 seconds, and a view is counted if it’s longer than 3 seconds.
Square Facebook videos receive 35% more views than landscape videos because Facebook is mostly viewed on a mobile. All the campaign videos are in portrait style.
Choose Your Sport on Facebook
For Facebook I created a Choose Your Sport site with information about the campaign. I posted 15 videos and infographics including my film adverts, using content which had been successful on other media.
The link to the Facebook campaign is
I found it difficult to reach an audience with Facebook, and my posts did not get many views. Facebook doesn’t have an explore page like Instagram where users can find content of interest to them. There is a search feature, but this is not as powerful as the Instagram explore page. Therefore, it is much harder to reach an audience on Facebook unless you pay to promote your page.
Video Campaign
For the motion graphics module, I created a short film to promote futsal, a sport derived from football. This film was perfect for my campaign as it promoted an unknown sport and encourages viewers to give it a go.
Additionally, three short film adverts which I created during my final year of my Film Production undergraduate degree course were ideal for the campaign. These films were each just a few minutes long and were about choosing a sport and having a go. The three adverts are similar and linked by their style. These were promoted across all the media and they did attract attention.
By using films which were my own work, I was able to keep the content unique and individual, and not have problems with copyright.
Click on the video to play the sound
Motion Graphics Video : What is Futsal?
Choose Your Sport "Running for Mental Health" Campaign Advert
Choose Your Sport "Try Sports" Campaign Advert
Choose Your Sport "Find Your Sport" Campaign Advert
I also planned another short advert for Choose Your Sport. I wrote the script and created a storyboard for it. I based the story on the two target audiences for the campaign.
I then experimented with using Image Creator to produce a more professional storyboard. The images were created by AI with my instructions, and I added the Choose Your Sport logo.
Website Campaign
I created a website to provide further information and to act as a ‘home’ for the campaign. The website was created on WIX as it is free to use and relatively user friendly without the need for coding skills. I kept the website simple and focused on the three main aims of the campaign.
• Why take up sport?
• Sport and mental health
• Which sport?
Website Wireframing
I created wireframes to plan the layout of the website.
Website Production
I created pages for different sports, grouping the sports together.
Outdoor team sports
Indoor team sports
Partner sports
Individual sports
And finally, I created a contacts page linking the social media campaigns.
The website allows for future development of the campaign.
The link to website is:
Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are a blueprint to a more sustainable future for all. They address global challenges and have the power to end poverty, fight inequality, and stop climate change. The goal met by this campaign is:
Goal 12 Responsible consumption and production
The “Choose Your Sport” campaign can encourage sustainable production and consumption of sports equipment and facilities that are made sustainably and responsibly. This can help reduce waste and the negative environmental impact of the sports industry. The campaign also promotes the mental health benefits of sport and a healthy lifestyle.
The Choose Your Sport campaign proved to be a never-ending task and could run indefinitely in many different directions. I had to limit the content and the flow of material due to time allowed. To promote the campaign further, more films and material with regular postings and interactions are needed daily.
The campaign did reach the targeted audience on Instagram and TikTok and comments were received from viewers. My films were also viewed and favourably received. More of this type of content would be required.
The Facebook campaign was slow and didn’t receive much interest. I feel this was because Facebook does not have an ‘explore’ page like Instagram and so it was much harder to reach viewers. To drive the Facebook campaign forward I would need to follow similar groups and ask them to promote and share Choose Your Sport. It would be a good idea to ask an influencer to share the campaign on Facebook, and I could also pay to promote the campaign.
Similarly, the YouTube site requires more high quality content with new films added regularly to build up views and subscribers. I could use the other medias to drive viewers to the YouTube site.
I feel that the campaign logo was clear and identifiable and depicted the aims of the campaign. However, it was simplistic and could be made more engaging with added colour and improved design.
Future Considerations
The website could be further developed with more information and news stories added, and a sign-up form to join the campaign and receive a newsletter.
The Facebook campaign could be enhanced with more postings to try and build up followers and group members, adding links to the Facebook page from other media, and cross promotion from similar groups.
To really drive the campaign forward I could ask influencers to back the campaign.
I would also like to film the script I wrote for another ‘Choose Your Sport’ advert.
Producing campaign merchandise such as branded t-shirts and hoodies, mugs and stickers would be a future consideration if the campaign became successful with a following.
In conclusion, I feel that the Choose Your Sport campaign was a success and met the objectives of spreading awareness of unknown sports, encouraging people to get more active and showing the link with mental health. The campaign reached the targeted audience on Instagram and TikTok, and favorable interactions were received.
I enjoyed creating the campaign material and using films which I had created and produced myself. These films were very successful, receiving many views. I learnt a lot about creating a social media campaign and driving it forward. I was also keen to share my enthusiasm for sport and the benefits to mental health with my audience.
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